Imagine not having to rush though a Monday morning (only to get to work to realize that you left your earrings and cell phone at home). Picture a day where you don’t have to hunt for your keys. See yourself getting into a car or sitting at a desk that is clutter-free. It can happen and I can help!
Today I am officially releasing a new program to help whip you into organizational shape. Get It Together Girl: A 28-Day Guide to Practical Not Perfect Home Organization. The heart of the program is completing daily tasks Monday – Friday in 15 minutes a day!
The program is based around the concept of a Focused Fifteen. You commit to spending 15 minutes on a particular task. However, you are spending that 15 minutes on this tasks and this task alone. No multi-tasking.
Here’s how it works.
Get It Together (GIT) Tasks: Each day, Monday through Friday you are expected to spend 15 minutes on a daily assignment.
Weekend Accelerators: Weekends in this program are optional. You don’t have to do a thing if you don’t want to. However, should you decide you want to do something over the weekend, there are a variety of tasks, that take a little longer, for you to do.
Keep It Together (KIT) Tasks: These are little things you can do to maintain your level of organization. The best part about the KITS is that most are easy enough to do in a minute or less. They are so easy that you can share them with the hubs and the kids.
In addition to the workbook, you will also have access to the Get It Together Girl audio archive. Listen to 1 – 2 minute clips each day for some extra motivation or an added tip or two.
Finally, you will also get access to the Get It Together Girl message board. Share your experiences with others who are also on the road organization. Ask questions. Exchange your own tips. I will be actively participating as well, answering questions and giving you encouragement!
You get the workbook, the audio clips and the message board for $29.95. That’s just over a dollar a day. Less stress, less mess and more success. For details ... http://www.getittogethergirl.org/
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