Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 Days Til Christmas ... Take a Break!

We are less than two weeks away from Christmas Day. There are gifts to buy and wrap, travel plans to make, Christmas parties to attend, food to prepare and the list just gets longer as you think about it! LOL!

In the midst of the holiday hub-bub, take a couple of hours during the week for yourself. You need the down time. Plus, taking some time out for yourself will make you more effective when you jump back in.
  1. Go to a movie
  2. Have dinner at a favorite restaurant
  3. Take a bath and curl up with a good book
  4. Pop some popcorn and watch your favorite holiday movie on TV
  5. Have a girl's night
  6. Have a date night
  7. Take a nap
  8. Get a massage
  9. Take a drive in the country
  10. Go to the library
You don't have to spend a lot of time but it is important to take some time to rest and recharge.

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